
更新 2024年4月8日


一个经验丰富的世界旅行者和完美的读者, 她是, 正如她的讣告所写, 每所高中都应该有这样的老师.”

We were saddened to learn of the January 12 death of former History Teacher, 大学辅导员, 以及萨拉·麦克法兰住院医师, who wore many hats during her 25 years at Miss Hall’s.

Sarah joined MHS in 1989 as a resident and college counselor, 这个职位她做了十三年, 1992年开始教授历史. 住了25年, 她还担任过历史系主席, 学校档案管理员, 高级班主任, JV篮球和网球教练, 和Essence的顾问.

Sarah came to MHS from the Williams College Library, where 她是 Head of the Reference Department. 一个经验丰富的世界旅行者和完美的读者 (Sarah maintained a list of books she had read since 1960), 她是, 正如她的讣告所写, 每所高中都应该有这样的老师.”


萨拉的批评直截了当, 可以肯定的是, but also invaluable to me as a first-year head trying to learn so much so fast, 并破译了澳门威利斯网站的许多潜规则. I know that I am a better head of school for having known her and learned from her, 我将永远感激她的好意, 慷慨, 幽默和关怀.”
——校长茱莉亚·希顿 (了解更多)

作为一名居民, Sarah delighted in spending time telling MHS ghost stories with the 9th graders, when they lived together on the 2nd floor — to my absolute dismay, 有时要花几个星期才能让他们平静下来. I had the pleasure of taking AP European History with her, and she amazed me with her notes and preparation for each class — much of which she never really had to reference during a lecture. 她每节课都是这样, and her students benefited from all that brought with her into the classroom and in to the dorm.
-学术咨询主任莎拉·维登 (了解更多)

“Ms. M. 是聪明的. I only had her for Psychology and was struggling in her class. 她没有放弃我. She helped me hone my organizational skills, and very quickly I went from Cs to As. 她是最好的!”

“她问我这辈子想做什么. At the time I was 15 and said with great confidence that I wanted to be a lawyer. ”一名律师? “有意思,但不是你,亲爱的汉娜,”她说. ‘You my dear, should look into studying communications. Not that you need to study it, your personality is everything and you communicate so well. 但这正是你的优势所在. 沟通与人! 相信我的话.“我现在28岁了,拿的是B.A. 策略传播, and every job I’ve had since I graduated has always played to these strengths that she knew I had all along.”
——Hannah Knoblauch ' 10

“她是我拿到B的原因.A in sociology, and one of the reasons I went into education. 她的遗产将在我们所有人心中永存. 她是最好的 (and man I remember the time she let me in her apartment, and we all were freaking out because she never let us kids in there).”
——Kyanna Joseph ' 13

"At least half of what it takes to be a great teacher of girls is being a good role model. We can check both boxes for Sarah McFarland—she taught well and set a good example for her students and colleagues. If I had the names of all the girls who shared with me their love and appreciation for Ms. McFarland over the years, the list would stretch from Holmes Road to the Klein Arts Center. 她的秘密是联系."

“One of my earliest experiences as a new faculty member was being on move-in duty with Sarah. 说实话,我有点害怕. She was experienced and steeped in residential boarding school culture and knowledge. 我是全新的,没有经验,但准备学习. 她给我看绳子,玩得很开心. 在以后的岁月里,我越来越了解她, I learned of her deep sense of humor and tendency for play and great adventure.

“有一次, 在搬家那天, we were both dragging trash bags out of the dormitory to the dumpsters near the kitchen. 当我们把垃圾扔进垃圾箱的时候, 我注意到成堆的旧教室地图, removed and trashed because they were no longer relevant classroom fixtures. 我对这些人工制品表示好奇和惊奇. Sarah explained that no one wanted them, but if I did, I should hop in. She lowered me down, encouraged me to take as many as I pleased. 她帮我退出了. 我重新振作起来, 我们都笑了, and went to meet the next new student about to begin their MHS experience. 我想念她!”

“莎拉是一股不可忽视的力量. She always called people out when she thought they were wasting her time with "pleasantries.“我刚到澳门威利斯网站家的时候, Sarah's classroom was across the hall from my office in the Klein — what is now an art room. Sarah and I enjoyed brief, daily visits where Sarah would engage in sarcastic banter with me. 一天,我来看望莎拉, and admitted to feeling inadequate about my prior academic experience in history classes. I asked Sarah if she would tutor me with historical, random tidbits. Although the inadequacy was authentic the ask for information was not;) Sarah decided to teach me a weekly historical tidbit and quiz me at the end of each week. 《哈罗德国王:黑斯廷斯战役..." I think Sarah was surprised that I remembered the gems of her tutelage."

“Ms. McFarland was an outstanding teacher and advocate for her students’ futures. She pushed me to reach higher than I had imagined, and I was buoyed by her confidence and support.”

“Ms. 麦克法兰对我来说是MHS生活的重要组成部分. 她教会了我机智和冷幽默的价值. 她总是留心别人
for me and protected me when I didn’t know I needed it, and I will always hold my memories of her close to my heart.”
——Ali Moore-Ede ' 05

“Ms. McFarland opened up the world to me and really taught me how to think critically about our place in it. She showed me what a future as a badass, world- traveling, independent woman could look like. 真是个女人.”

“我有一位女士。. McFarland for three different classes and sought two of them out because she taught them. Ms. McFarland is the reason I began to think more critically about my place in the world and how our actions, 无论大小, 能引发变化的涟漪吗. She was a ball-buster and did not suffer fools, and I loved her for it.

“I was once too shy in 10th grade to ask the kitchen staff if I could borrow a knife; she took me by the cuff of my shirt and dragged me over there to make me get over my small fear. She gave me words of wisdom on how to overcome small fears and go forward with confidence. 到目前为止,这对我很有帮助! She also gave me a trick on how to deal with period cramps, 这听起来很傻, but to a 14-year-old it was huge (and a technique I still use to this day!). 她产生了持久的影响. 我很感激MHS把她带进了我们的生活.”
——Cat Bunker, 2007